If you stop and think about it… most of us haven’t got a clue how the food choices we make affect the body. Candidly, why would we? I think I may remember having one educational class in 4th or 6th grade about ‘food’ in my entire life – and I turn 46 in July folks! And honestly, those who aren’t forced with having to learn ‘quickly’ may be the lucky ones who get to go through life in ignorant bliss. I know I was up until I was diagnosed with cancer in May 2015… Oh, the good ‘ol days of Starbucks mini-vanilla scones for breakfast washed down with black coffee filled with half/half and Splenda! (“WOW” – I even had a nutritionist tell me that this was okay!… but I digress!) I applaud you for taking an interest and for taking any small steps you can to change your journey in a direction that’s right for you and your family!
So here we go!
When you eat carbs, here’s what happens:
- When you eat carbs, they are absorbed into the intestines and your blood sugar rises. Insulin is triggered as this is what carries your blood sugar (“glucose/fuel”) to the cell for energy and ‘unlocks the door’ to let the glucose/fuel into the cell.
- If you eat a lot of carbs, you get a big blood sugar spike and also an insulin spike and any excess glucose/fuel that is not used as energy for the cell move to your liver or belly as storage. (and now you have belly fat = overweight/Pre-diabetic).
- If you eat a lot of carbs day after day your cells become insulin resistant because they don’t need all that glucose/fuel and eventually they require more and more insulin to open the doors on the cell so the glucose can get in which leads to Insulin-resistant Type II diabetes.
- Over-time, your Type II diabetes can become insulin-dependent when you pancreas finally wears out and can no longer produce insulin! Now requiring shots or meds to get your insulin. Fun times!
High Insulin Levels can lead to the obesity, cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses such as:
- High insulin causes excess fat storage AND it also prevents the release of stored FAT (double whammy!) = overweight and obesity- oh and belly fat is a different fat than anywhere in your body. It literally releases toxic chemicals in your body. Reach out if you want more information on this topic! It’s literally “toxic waist”
- Insulin that stays too high for too long also interferes with the growth hormones
- High insulin levels raise blood cholesterol levels which leads to ‘sticky stuff’ building up in arteries that reduces blood flow to brain and heart (stroke/heart attack risk)
- If insulin levels are too high the body reacts with inflammation because it’s trying to repair the ‘wear and tear’. This leads to other “itis” disease – arthritis, dermitits, etc. – (per Dr. Sears inflammation is where all disease starts. Now I’m inserting my commentary: so does cancer as this is what my cancer center focuses on as part of prevention protocol – we must control inflammation which is your body being on fire/is too acidic)
What you need to do to keep Insulin Stable:
- Eat the right carbs – focus on low glycemic carbohydrates that are complex carbs. Meaning they have protein and fiber in the carb and they don’t cause a blood sugar spike. Stay away from simple/junk carbs, period. (fruits, veggies and whole grains are best complex carbs) Fructose sugars from Fruit is always the best choice for a sweet tooth because it doesn’t cause an insulin spike as the fructose goes to the liver and is metabolized there!
- Graze on good food – eat half as much and twice as often approach. This keeps insulin stable as you aren’t waiting for blood sugar crash before you eat. Stick with the portion size = fist for all meals & snacks. Same goes for kids!
- Eat high-fiber foods. Stabilizes blood sugar. I personally drink ORGANIC Psyllium Husk to keep blood sugar stable along with other tricks and techniques. (This is important for folks with cancer or in recovery mode too as sugar feeds cancer cells)
- Eat protein with every meal and snack. Stabilizes blood sugar
- Move – slows the release of insulin
If you are struggling with how to remove sugar or high carbohydrate foods from your diet, please reach out to me. I’d be happy to help you develop a plan to stabilize your insulin levels and get on the right track for optimum health!
To your health,